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Machine Learning Intern
March 2021 - May 2021
Cisco Systems
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During my internship, I worked on Cisco's Case Genie Project which takes in historical data to train the machine learning model.

My goal was to write a NLP script that would help detect unique data in customer claims and use those insights to make predictions. The end goal was to supply a customer with Cisco documents in which they can find the answers to their questions without having to talk with a representative over the phone. 

Additionally, I was tasked with creating a UI through which employees could enter in tokens that were not being read in correctly by the existing model. This would help increase accuracy and predictions altogether. 
Target Audience
Cisco Customers - The primary target for this project was to simplify finding solutions for Cisco customers. In this manner, those having questions regarding configuration, definition, and other aspects of Cisco products would be able to type their inquiries into an online client and be presented with official Cisco documents to answer their question. This strives to improve efficiency and CX as it automates the entire process.

Cisco Employees - The UI that I designed was useful for internal employees, allowing them to create tokens for certain words that were edge cases to the designed model. They could also manipulate the data in the backend depending on the unique use cases.
  1. Created a Streamlit UI in Python tasked with manipulating token storage for the model
  2. Deployed service to GCP with a Firestore to store edge cases for the machine learning model
  3. Authored a NLP text cleaning script to clean user data and prepare it for reading
  4. Testing completed via unittest, Cucumber, and Hypothesis
  5. Both the UI and NLP text cleaning script were integrated into Cisco's data preparation pipeline and will be used by employees and customers alike in the ensuing years
Employer Recommendations:
"Aryan is a pleasure to work with day in and day out. A wiz when it comes to analyzing information, he helped shed light on complex processes in our IT organization, and worked with team members to expertly create strategies to tackle some of our biggest challenges. Aryan left a big impact to our organization while as a Cisco intern – he hold tremendous promise wherever he goes in the future!"
- Karthik Chakkarapani, Vice President Digital Transformation and Enterprise Solutions
"Aryan was a fantastic intern at Cisco. He brought a lot of great ideas to the team and helped us implement new AI solutions that made tangible difference to the productivity of our Support Organization. Aryan was very good at meeting his deadlines and was very collaborative. I would love to see Aryan as part of my team. Congratulations and Good luck at school Aryan!"
- Vasu Vattipalli, Digital Transformation and Strategy Executive
(630) 854-5595
The University of Texas at Austin
CS Honors | Business Honors | Quant Finance
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