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Co-Founder and Full Stack Developer
June 2020 - Present
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Over the 2020 summer, I wanted to make a lasting impact on those directly surrounding me: college students. With the pandemic taking a large toll on the country, I reached out to one of my friends and we set out on an initiative to simplify an aspect of life for UT students. 

Apartment hunting can often be a daunting task, requiring calling numerous complexes separately. Hence, together we created with the motivation of "leasing made easy."

This website provides users with an online portal allowing one to find ideal apartments fitting their needs, trade furniture, and sublease. Numerous different constraints are available for filtering and over 15 apartment complexes are scraped to index. 
Target Audience
UT Austin students - The primary target audience is those students that attend UT Austin as the apartments being scraped currently are in the Austin area. Additionally, it provides a portal to exchange furniture for potential sophomores moving in and seniors moving out. 

Nationwide College Students - 
Shortly, we anticipate expanding our service to campuses across the entire nation so that a large number of users can benefit from the simplicity we provide. 

Austin-based Interns - Individuals who are only looking to stay in Austin during the summer can benefit as they can sublease a unit with another occupant with ease via the subleasing portal.

  1. Service totaling over 100 unique weekly users and also 2000 page views
  2. Front-end developed using the CSS Bootstrap library, HTML, and JavaScript
  3. Back-end developed using Node.js, a MySQL database, and REST API principles
  4. Web-scraped over 800 units using the Python Selenium library
  5. Deployed on an AWS EC2 instance that is managed by AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Employer Recommendations:
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(630) 854-5595
The University of Texas at Austin
CS Honors | Business Honors | Quant Finance
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© 2021 by Aryan Gandhi
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